Early Bird Offer ends on 3rd October 2024

NGO/Academic PassEligible for representatives from non-profit NGOs, farmers cooperatives, regulators, governments, public sector, and academia.

Book before 4th October 2024 to Save £200.00

Standard Corporate PassEligible for corporate representatives.

Book before 4th October 2024 to Save £300.00

Service Provider PassRequired for for-profit consultancies, technology, solution and service providers.

Book before 4th October 2024 to Save £300.00

Start-up PassOnly eligible for early-stage innovators who have not secured their first Series A funding round.

Book before 4th October 2024 to Save £300.00

Networking Soirée PassAt House of Lords 16th October 2024 Early Evening
Wines and Hors d'oeuvres

Exclusive for Summit Attendees!
Limited tickets only! First come, first serve!
Book before 4th October 2024 to Save £40.00


NOTICE: Please make sure you choose the correct pass per specification. We reserve the right to exclude and refund registration that does not belong to the correct category pass

If you have problems registering, please email us at mavis@worldcoffeealliance.com